Massage Therapy Pricing

Price List:

90 Minute - $150.00

75 Minute - $130.00

60 Minute - $105.00

45 Minute - $85.00

30 Minute - $70.00

***Prices do not include tax***

Cash not accepted

Online Booking:

Please Read Before Booking

Welcome! Please create a log-in ID by clicking REGISTER at the top of the page. This helps us and you, keep track of and organize your appointments. A Password and Username will be provided but can be easily changed to something simple for you to remember. To change either simply go to PROFILE. Creating a log-in ID allows you to create bookings as well as cancel them.

Spots available for for booking will remain DARK and others will Fade out.. 

Please try to book appointments back to back, leaving no spaces. We reserve the right to adjust booking times to accommodate daily schedules, as well as to restrict access to those that may have excessive bookings or past cancellations in the system.


Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please advise us a minimum of 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged in full for your missed appointment. Others may benefit during this time. Our email reminders are a courtesy and not guaranteed. When booking, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your appointment. Please mark your appointments down in your calendar and if you have any questions please call.

When booking online with us you are accepting the cancellation policy. If any further clarification is needed please contact us.

Health History Form

Please take a moment to fill out a Health History Form for us. This form is for NEW patients or for patients who have not been with us in over ONE year.